Terms and conditions
The website https://gruporolo.com/ (the “Website”) was created, owned and operated by Pastelaria e Confeitaria Rolo Lda., (The “Rolo Group”) and its access and use is governed by these Terms of Use.
Grupo Rolo makes the Website available to users exclusively to provide information about the group and its activity, not guaranteeing the completeness, correction or updating of any content contained in the Website. The information contained on the Website is not intended to establish or establishes any company-customer relationship. The user must not act or fail to act based on any information contained in this Website.
The use of the Website is regulated by these Terms of Use, which the user recognizes and undertakes to fully respect. The user must refrain from using this Website if he does not agree with these Terms of Use.
1. Access to the Site
Grupo Rolo has the exclusive right to, at any time, suspend, partially or totally, the access to the Website, as well as to close, permanently or temporarily, partially or totally, the Website.
2. Intellectual Property
The user acknowledges that the contents of this Website are protected by intellectual property rights and undertakes to respect those rights. The rights over texts, images, photographs, graphics, videos, animation and all other information and the way in which they are represented graphically on the Website, including the brands, logos and symbols, as well as the layout and structure of the Website, belong to ownership of Grupo Rolo or were licensed in favor of it.
The user is not allowed to transmit, publish, modify, copy, sell, use or distribute, in any way, the texts, images, photographs, graphics, videos, animation and all other information contained on the Website, without the express, prior authorization and writing by Grupo Rolo.
3. Treatment of Personal Data
O Grupo Rolo está empenhado em proteger a privacidade dos utilizadores do Website. O acesso e visualização deste Website não implica, necessariamente, a recolha pelo Grupo Rolo de quaisquer dados pessoais. No entanto, a utilização dos formulários constantes deste Website implicam a disponibilização de dados pessoais pelos utilizadores. Os dados recolhidos através desses formulários são utilizados para os fins neles previstos e de acordo com os termos da Política de Privacidade.
4. Responsibility
Rolo Group is not responsible for errors that may occur due to system irregularities or failure (temporary or permanent) of the Website. Grupo Rolo will not be responsible for any damages resulting from improper use or the inability to use the Website.
5. Links to Third Party Websites
The links on this Website may lead to other websites, which are not owned or operated by Rolo Group. Rolo Group is not responsible for or in any way supports or subscribes to the content of these websites (or of the websites linked to or referred to in them).
6. Changing the Terms of Use
Rolo Group reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to change, add or update these Terms of Use. The user should periodically check this page to confirm whether any updates or changes have been made.
7. Applicable law
These Terms of Use are governed by Portuguese law.
8. Questions
If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, please contact us at:
E-mail: geral@pastelariarolo.pt